I got lost in a Man

For all those that have loved someone whole heartily and you found yourself lost in him/her.

I gave him my undivided attention and my devoted time.

I gave him my heart and my soul.

I got lost in a man.

I gave him all of my energy and my strength.

He was my “everything” and I breathed and slept this man.

I got lost in a man.

I placed him first and friends last.

I treasured every moment and every second together with him.

I dreamed of him every night for he was all that I wanted and all that I needed.

I forgot about the principles of love and the principles of respect for me.

I yearned for his affection and for his attention.

I got lost in a man.

No one came before him not even myself.

I found myself slipping because my spirit was lost in the valley.

I was walking on a one way highway of love.

I was headed down the road to failure.

I was crossing a one way street to love and selfishness.

I found myself being last and not first.

I found myself loving him more than I loved myself.

He was the air that I breathed and the sugar that I craved.

I wanted more of him than what he could give to me.

I got lost in a man.

The love that I wanted was not realistic.

I was in love with a man more than he was in love with me.

I loved him more than I loved myself.

My heart ached for this man.

The more I missed him the more I wanted him.

He knew how to reel me in with his smooth talking.

I got lost in a man.

All works published belongs to the author Letrise Carter (Copyrighted 2014-2015).

photo credits via Facebook/Farrah

7 thoughts on “I got lost in a Man

      1. Hmmm…. I felt some concern as to whether the speaker in the poem was saying that this was a positive thing to be lost in another person. My feelings on losing onself are very strong and I don’t feel that it’s appropriate to air them here. I just wondered if you were the person and you got hurt and if you were okay at the moment. My concern was for your well being, primarily. x


      2. Thank you! This poem was written 4 years ago and only shared publicly last year. I have and am learning what love is and it is most beautiful. There is someone very special that has my heart. Love is beautiful and most important unconditional.

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